Aaron Gottlieb

Hello, thanks for stopping by. I'm a full stack developer in Denver, CO.


Let it mow image

Sockets.io | React | Mongo | Node | Redux

let it mow

Let It Mow is the Air B&B for yard equipment. This fully functional marketplace seeks to extend the sharing economy to a hyper-local level by allowing neighbors to exchange yard equipment.

This was a collaborative project. My focus was mainly on the backend where I built all of the models and endpoints. However, I did a bit on the react side of things including: buidling the real-time chat application which allows users to communicate about products and implementing the photo-upload.

screenshot of dothraki x app

React | Mongo | Node | Redux

Dothraki X

A full stack application for learning the fictional Dothraki Language. On first blush a simple quiz app, but this learning tool is powered by a spaced-repetion algorithm which intuitively teaches users the areas they need to practice the most.

Dothraki X keeps track of user's progress over time and provides a running total of their score across sessions. This app also caters to any Dothraki speakers who want to learn English: with one click in the settings users can change which language they are quizzed on.

image from d3 project

D3.js | HTML | CSS | jQuery

Fluid D3

Telling a story through data. That was the aim of this project and I believe the narrative is rolling. I scoured the internet to find reliable data on how much water it takes to produce different kinds of food and used D3js to present this data in meaningful ways.

pomodoro project screenshot

React | Mongo | Node | Redux


The pomodoro technique proved crucial in my development as an engineer. Focusing on one task, intensely, for 25 minutes allowed me to wield my time more efficiently and accomplish significantly more.

That’s what inspired Gitmadoro and I hope that it proves just as useful for fellow developers. This full-stack application not only harnesses the power of the pom but also integrates with github and provides users an easy way to manage their open issues.


Developing full stack applications that solve real world problems is my passion. I completely lose myself in the process and the more I work the more I understand people when they talk about flow and how being truly engaged in something you believe in is the key to happiness.

When I’m not seeking out new levels of transcendental flow in my editor, I really enjoy volunteering at the MaxFund Animal Shelter in Denver where I help socialize and exercise homeless dogs while they’re waiting to be adopted.

Aaron Gottlieb

